DeIonized Water Totes
275 gallon tote of ChemWorld deionized water.
This product is produced through a cartridge filter, carbon filter, dual ion exchange units, UV Sterilizer, and final filtered at 0.2 µS/cm. The initial water source is not from distillation.
This deionized water conforms to the following specifications:
- This water is considered Type II water.
- Ultraviolet (UV) sterilized.
- Resistivity is > 1 mega ohms.
- Conductivity is < 1 uS/cm.
- Total Organic Carbon (TOC) < 50 ppb.
- Sodium < 5 ppb.
- Chloride < 5 ppb.
- Silica < 3 ppb.
- The Shelf Life is 24 months (Dependent on storage conditions.)
- Not manufactured from distilled water.
- Intended for industrial applications.
This product is not intended for food, beverage, medical, or human consumption applications.
We only provide a certificate of conformance for this product.
ChemWorld also stocks Deionized Type I, Deionized Type IV, and Distilled Water containers in multiple sizes.
Product Removal For easy product removal, consider adding a 55-gallon drum dolly to disperse your product from 2" bung faucets into 5-gallon pails, a bottom tote pump, or tote pump.
275 gallon totes of Deionized Water are stocked in Atlanta, Georgia; Detroit, Michigan; and Salt Lake City, Utah.Orders received by 1 pm will typically ship today. If it must ship today, please indicate so in the notes section upon checkout. We will contact you. Orders after 1 pm, will ship the following business day. Estimated schedules in business days as of May 2023, LTL Transit Time Map. Also, you may choose to have your carrier arrange for pick up. Simply email your BOL [email protected]. Expedite orders:
Please email us at [email protected]. We respond faster by email.
Frequently Asked Questions
- What are the dimensions of the 275 Gallon Deionized Water tote?
- The Deionized Water tote is 46" in Height with a 48” x 40" Base.
- We are looking for bulk Deionized Water. Can you quote this?
- Yes, please email us at [email protected]. We can do full truckloads of Deionized Water drums or totes.
- What is the shipping weight of your 275 gallon tote of Type II water?
- The ship weight is approx. 2,550 lbs.
- When ordering in the winter time will this freeze in transit?
- No, we ship this material with freeze protection.
