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Iron Oxide Cleaner - 5 Gallons
Iron Oxide Cleaner
ChemWorld QK406 - Iron Oxide Cleaner - 5 Gallons
ChemWorld QK406 - Iron Oxide Cleaner - 5 Gallons
Our Price: $499.99
Sale Price: $429.99
Savings: $70.00

Quantity in Stock:10

Availability: Usually Ships in 3 to 5 Business Days
Product Code: QK406-5

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Cooling Tower PreTreatment Chemical

ChemWorld QK406 is designed to effectively dissolve iron oxide deposits from multi-metal open recirculating cooling water systems, while at the same time protect the base metal from corrosion. This product is used in both boiler and cooling water systems.
  • Removes iron and copper deposits.
  • Effective at elevated temperatures.
  • Compatible with multiple metallurgies.
This product comes in a 5 gallon pail.

  • 0.5 to 1.5% {4 to 12 lbs or 0.5 to 1.5 gals/100 gals system volume}
  • pH should be at 2.5 to 3.0
For all new cooling tower startups, consider our ChemWorld 101 Cooling Startup Kit. ChemWorld 101 Cooling Water kit includes the following:
  • One 5 gallon pail of ChemWorld Q-ALK-PC - This product is required to clean the debris and greases prior to startup.
  • One 5 gallon pail of ChemWorld 1334 - ChemWorld 1334 is scale and corrosion control cooling tower chemical. After startup, you can perform testing of your water hardness and alkalinity and we can tune in your exact chemical for long-term protection.
  • One 5 gallon pail of ChemWorld 56 - ChemWorld 56 is a 12.5% sodium hypochlorite product that is required to kill bacteria. This is the cheapest easiest product to get your system up and going, you can convert to tablets or a stabilized bromide product after startup.
  • One LakeWood 140 Cooling Tower Controller - You will need to set the controller to feed and bleed the cooling tower water to maximize cycles and to minimize chemical usage rates. An optional dual biocide water treatment can be implemented after startup. This is model 1239597 (which is board mounted unit that has the flow assembly on the left).
  • One 1167435 Cooling Tower Blowdown Valve (1" NPT) - This will be required when the cooling tower calls to release cooling tower water.
  • Two Stenner 45MHP10 Adjustable Head Pumps - One pump is required for the corrosion/ scale prevention chemical and for the biocide. Each pump is rated to 100 psi, which should be enough to feed the chemical into the system. The ideal spot to feed the chemical is into the return header of the cooling tower. These Stenner Pump kits come with chemical injection valves that will allow for quick injection of each chemical into the sidestream water loop that is used to monitor the cooling tower conductivity.
  • One complete CWTK-200 Cooling Water Treatment Test Kit. This kit contains every test you will need to set up and fine tune your water treatment program.
  • One Chemical Metal Test Station Cabinet - You need to keep your test kits and lo sheets in one clean location. This test kit is ideal for cooling towers. Items in the photo of test kit not included.
Frequently Asked Questions
We need help finding a chemical that can help remove the copper oxidation and corrosion in our closed loop plumbing system that uses distilled water. We saw green copper deposited on the tank and inside the system. The operation temperature is 75-105F and we currently don't have any chemicals in the system. What can we use to clean the closed loop?
We would suggest ChemWorld Q-Kleen 406. This low pH chelant is designed to rapidly remove and sequester (chelating) metal oxide deposits (iron & copper) and secondary mineral scale from multi-metal in both open and closed recirculating cooling water systems. ChemWorld Q-Kleen 406 is not recommended for systems containing galvanized metals. ChemWorld Q-Kleen 406 is normally added to develop a 0.5 to 1.5% solution to achieve a pH of 2.5 to 4.0. Recirculate for 8 to 48 hours. Air bumping and/or back flushing fouled exchangers will enhance cleanup.

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